Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Ideal Home Exhibition

In 1984, a year before we would be married, my husband and I had overlapping trips to London. Little did we know then what travels we had in front of us.

He arrived first and he spent time scoping out things for us to do together. One was the Ideal Home Exhibition, a home and garden show. This mug is one of my most cherished possessions. It's fading and I don't put it in the dishwasher any more. I know someday only I will be able to tell what it says. The handle may break off and I'll root plant cuttings in it. I will look at it and remember that delightful time.

Some wiki-research has given me more information about the Ideal Home Exhibition. It was started by the Daily Mail and run for 100 years as a showcase the latest inventions and design ideas for the ideal home. I don't know why I was so sad to hear that it was sold to Media 10 who promptly changed its name to the Ideal Home Show.

It was and always will be an exhibition.

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