Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I made a tomato sauce in my pressure cooker yesterday, starting with sautéed onions and garlic in olive oil, adding canned crushed tomatoes, paste and water. I cut up the fresh tomatoes and carrots that were hanging around.

I'm always worried that I have enough liquid so I put in the rest of the open bottle of red wine, reserving some for the cook.

I threw in roughly cut celery and parsley from my neighbor's garden.
Then I harvested many things from the garden and pots on the porch and window sill: basil, sage, oregano, thyme. I also clipped two jalapeños. I asked my son if I should add them. He nodded affirmative. I quartered them lengthwise, taking out most of the seeds.

I didn't time it, but it probably went 20-30 minutes under pressure. After I could take the lid off, I put it through the food processor and rough strained it in my colander. That's the part I hate to do. What a mess! I rinsed things, but final cleanup is waiting for me this morning.

It was served with hot Italian sausages and whole wheat pasta. It was good.

That's the way I like to cook, not measuring anything really. I tasted it, but made no adjustments. It was as it ended up. I really only taste to see if it's hot spicy so that I can warn my husband. My son adds crushed red pepper to just about everything.

What's funny is that when it was done, I really didn't want any. Eventually, I had a small bowl.

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