Friday, December 5, 2014

The pieces merge

After returning home, I'm overwhelmed with unpacking, laundry, grocery shopping and car repair issues.

My plants need lots of watering. I'm eating oatmeal to make up while I was away.  I forced myself to get out and record a walk downtown yesterday which I did not want to do.

I'm fasting this morning before routine blood work.

I'm fighting jet lag and a cold.

I've done three rows on the yoke of my cardigan. I messed up on the pattern for the body because I didn't used the fishernet stitch on the sleeves. I ripped it out several places. I think I'm on the right track now.

One of my needle points cracked where it screws onto the cable so I had to visit April at my local yarn shop to order a replacement.

Until I can get a new one, I'll have to swap the points as I turn each row.

I haven't wanted to write. So this will have to do.

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