Friday, December 19, 2014

It's looking like it's permanent

I am spending some time reflecting on the goals set out in my original post.
I find that I am choosing to stay close to my family rather than commute or live apart. Thus I am unemployed. At my age, this may be permanent. There are so many quandaries and implications.
I don't miss it.

I don't have to worry about commuting. I'm snug at home when the snow flies.

I don't miss it.

I don't have to worry about staying on the good side of the department chair. He no longer controls my fate.

I don't miss it.

I don't have to worry about the semester end: giving exams, watching for cheaters, grading, calculating, double checking, rounding up only to have frantic email exchanges.

I don't miss it.

I don't have to worry about searching job ads. I don't have to package myself to what I think they want.

I don't miss it.

It was a choice. Notice that I stated that in past tense. I may not be able to point to the moment it was made. I have removed myself from the job market.

My life is happier, healthier and richer in so many ways because of it.

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