Thursday, June 29, 2017

A common language?

After spending time in this part of the world, I am amazed by the idea of common language. 
Often when I am speaking English to someone, they will comment that my English is very good, meaning understandable. My internal response, at first, was "Of course it is!", then later taking pride in my slow, clear professorial diction. But I soon realized that wasn't it. Here in Bratislava, I often overhear conversations in English neither party is a native speaker. 
On the Danube the other night, we were watching a photographer and his subject, a 30ish man. I imagined that he was a politician having campaign photos taken. I couldn't quite hear what they were talking about, but it was in English. So a Slovak photographer and Austrian EU candidate? 
My husband is much better at attempting to use Slovak. The other day, while visiting Vienna, he forgot where he was and ordered "dva káva". The proprietor replied, in English, "Oh, you are from Slovakia!"
I guess my conclusion is that, as an ignorant American who only speaks one language, this isn't a bad place to be.


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