Thursday, January 15, 2015

What would I have lost?

My bags were returned to me. It was hard to think when asked by the counter agent. Anything of particular value? All I could think of was "dirty laundry and my toothbrush". The suitcase was of most value. Our family gets very serious about our travel bags.

As I reflected, it's funny how many things were in it. Well, in the one bag, the other bag, passed off by my sister to me, was empty. I wouldn't have checked anything, except I wasn't able to handle that extra, empty bag as a carry-on. It couldn't collapse to put into the other.

There were a few items in the bag mentioned in this blog. There were the top I bought at the Creative Dress Boutique, the boring clippers and 1968 pattern book.

There were the bulletin and CD from my uncle's memorial service.

There were priceless things in my suitcase.

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