Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Searching for the Chinese restaurant on Youngman

I had a lovely hike this afternoon from the park over to the other side, away from the school where I usually walk. It was sunny and clear, no hint of the winter storm hitting the midwest, heading this way. I was determined to find the right path. I had heard that you could follow a path that ended up by the street where there was a Chinese restaurant.

With most of the leaves off the trees, the blazes on the paths are easier to spot. There was internal struggle as I got a mile up. Do I turn around and return the way I came or do I trust that I will find the right path? About that time, a fellow with a dog crossed in front of me. I waved. That must be the path done the other side. There was no sign of him went I got there. The path down was wide and easy. It must have been an old logging road.

I soon was able to see houses below and hear the traffic. And there it was. Youngman Street. I tucked my poles under my arm. I walked the rest of the way on the sidewalk. 
If you can't see the slideshow, click through to the album.

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