Friday, September 12, 2014

When to let go?

MoM called them her babies. With no children left at home and no students to teach, she turned her nurturing to plants, mostly African violets and jade. Many people have trouble growing these because they overwater, but not MoM. The plants flourished under her growing dementia.

I have taken to adopting orphan plants. I am drawn to those on the $1 shelf, whose blooms have dropped and leaves are no longer hot house perfect.

You never know what you'll get. These two plants are a case in point. Both were struggling in the spring. I thought I'd lose the one on the right. After the leaves were almost dead, I noticed the green sprouts showing. When I returned from our trip this summer, the one on the left was gone. I have continued to water it, hoping that it would recover.

When to let go?

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