Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Finally some Rača wine

We first went to Rača last winter, riding the street car almost to the end of the line. It was a dark, cold, late afternoon. We found the winery, but we couldn't quite figure it out. They seem to sell only bottles and didn't have any sampling. We left and stopped for dinner at a small local restaurant, nothing special, before heading back to the city.
The next time we went to Rača, we first stopped in at the winery but then decided to go for a mid-afternoon meal. This time we found a delightful Balkan restaurant where we had a grilled plate for two on the patio. I had a glass of the local wine and was optimistic for a purchase. However, we arrived at 5:30 to find that the winery closed at 5. 
So the third visit to Rača was the next morning. We were determined. We took our time looking up the grapes, etc., on the internet. The prices were amazing. While we were there, several people came in with refillable plastic bottles, 2 liters for 3€. Four of the bottles shown below were 2€. The total, all we could carry back on the street car was about US$15.
We went back to the apartment and opened the first bottle. It was good, as well as cheap!
Now we are trying to figure out how much we can take home in out suitcases. 

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