Thursday, August 28, 2014

Green Chili

My husband has introduced me to many wonderful things through the years. New Mexico and green chili are two that I love dearly.

When we lived in the panhandle of Texas, we were close enough to get it regularly. This time of year, a grocery on 10th in Amarillo roasts fresh chili for you. I remember negotiating with the produce manager at Lowe's, the grocery store before it was a hardware store, for a bushel that I would roast and freeze. Yes, I want the "hot".

Now that we live in a small town in upstate New York, I often miss the southwest. I have a hard time getting corn tortillas, let alone hot chili or posole, i.e. hominy. 

When my son asked me what I was making for dinner, he expressed delight when I told him green chili enchiladas. But he quickly followed up with, "Spicy?". No, short of adding jalapeƱos, which is another taste entirely, there is no way to get it hot enough.

So I'm thinking of panhandle or NM friends who might pick up a bushel to ship overnight. We might have to work on the logistics.


  1. Carol, every year at about this time I'm googling for someplace local to buy Hatch chiles. The past few years they've been showing up in more and more of our stores, and a few places roast them as well. Maybe they'll eventually make it to your area as well! In the mean time, you could always have some sent to you- I looked in to that before I realized that there were a few local roasters.

  2. Thanks, Gayle. I have looked and you can have frozen chili shipped to you. There's just something about the smell of fresh roasted.
